Tag: festival roundup

  • Cannes Film Festival 2024 roundup

    Now that I am so fancy I have been to Cannes twice, I am delighted to report that it is even better the second time around. I knew where things were (mostly), I ate so many pizzas from the same place the owner apologised to me for closing for cataract surgery a few days before…

  • Berlinale 2024 roundup

    This has not been a great year to associate oneself with the Berlinale. The festival got off to a bad start when it invited two right-wing-extremist politicians to the opening ceremonies, a choice which goes against the festival’s own explicit anti-fascist ethos. I have to sign an anti-fascist pledge to be granted my press pass,…

  • Berlinale 2023 roundup

    This was only the second film festival I have attended in person as a critic, and it was a pretty good one. I watched 37 movies and wrote reviews of 34 of those (the other three were not new, and while I will probably write a piece about the impact of the work of Sandra…